I'm a Wife, Mama, Daughter, Friend...Lots of titles, probably just like you!   Lover of all things healthy living, I'm on a mission to help you find answers, so you can live your best life.

Hi there! I’m Lauren, a Certified Holistic Coach and Mind, Body, Spirit™ Practitioner.


sound familiar?

Dr: “OK, I’ll order some labs for you.”
Me: Great…maybe this will give me some answers.
Dr: ”Well, your labs look fine. Here’s a drug/cream/prescription. Come back in a month.”

Trips to the doctor went something like this:

I know I have! For years, I struggled with so many issues: depression, anxiety, eczema, exhaustion, food sensitivities, sleep issues….the list just went on and on.

Have you ever just wished there was an "Easy Button" to healing?  

It was a pretty deep dive.  I cleaned up my diet, I cleaned up my products, I cleaned up my environment… And slowly but surely, I started to get better. I went back to school and became a nutrition coach and started helping women lose weight and get healthier, using all of my hard-won knowledge.

So I dove head first into the natural healing world.

I realized my healing wasn't going to be conventional, found in a pill bottle or therapist's couch.  I realized I was interested in a different path.  

All of my clients were being given extraordinary tools to heal, and some were having amazing results! So why weren’t they ALL?  

I began to notice something interesting:

what was the missing piece?

Even given the exact same tools, some had success while others never seemed to progress.

Releasing this unwanted, energetic baggage was the key.

Here I thought I could help people “think” and “do” their way to better, and all the while, their beliefs, inherited dispositions, and stuck “junk” was holding them back from ever achieving true, radiant health.

It was then that I began to realize the power of the subconscious mind. 

tell me more

Isn’t it time to give your body what it truly needs to heal?

Mind Body Spirit Method brings together the energetic tools of MBSR™, Emotion Code, Body Code and the power of holistic health coaching to help you FINALLY find and release the emotions, traumas, blocks and baggage that have been holding you back from achieving the health and life you were created to live.   

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